In these fast-changing and unprecedented times, we want you to know that we are continuing to keep our doors open as previous to the Coronavirus. Our hours remain unchanged; 10:00am-6:00pm Monday -Friday and 10:00am-5:00pm on Saturday. With this being said, our priority is to serve you best! At this point in time we assess that the best way for us to serve you is to remain steady during a season of uncertainty. If our hours change due to new guidance from authorities we will be prompt to make you aware. Currently we continue forward without changes to our business hours.

From the beginning of the Coronavirus crisis, our response has never been fear, but instead responsible evaluation. As we have seen COVID-19 progress, we have been diligent to educate our employees on the best practices of sanitation. We are providing all employees with hand sanitizer, masks, and gloves to use at their discretion. We are also encouraging employees who show signs of sickness to stay home until recovered and seek medical attention if needed. While we have always valued high levels of cleanliness, now more than ever we are vigilant to uphold the highest level of sanitary cleanliness to protect both our customers and employees. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your local Central store for more clarity.

We want to thank you for being our loyal customers through the ever-changing ups and downs of life. Your support has been essential to our ability to serve the greater Treasure Valley since 1977!