Meet Shannon O’Meara.

Shannon is a homemaker from Caldwell who had been faithfully getting mammograms every year, each year resulting in a clear scan. That is, until October of 2017.

At the age of 53, Shannon was diagnosed with Stage 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC). Frustrated and furious in the wake of her diagnosis, Shannon was faced with the option of having two mastectomies or facing chemo-therapy & radiation. Shannon felt that she would rather undergo multiple surgeries than endure putting foreign substances in her body that would make her feel miserable. So, Shannon chose to have surgery. Not only did she undergo multiple mastectomies, but she later had to have her ovaries removed to prevent cancer from coming back and spreading.

When asked what the biggest obstacles in her treatment process were, Shannon said that she is still undergoing the reconstructive process, trying to find a sense of normal.

“It’s such a lengthy process. Non-cancer survivers only focus on the treatment, but there’s so much that happens afterward that isn’t addressed. There’s so much involved in  having cancer – your life is turned upside-down and you have to deal with cancer and life.” Shannon says.

Shannon found hope during her battle with cancer through sharing with others. She found that people would listen and that people did care about what she was going through.
Shannon realized, “It’s amazing what a stranger can do, by simply offering to listen.”

When asked what she would share with other people that have been recently diagnosed with cancer, Shannon said,
“It is an extremely scary experience. But you go into warrior mode the second that you are diagnosed. No matter how weak you’ve been in your life, this makes you a warrior. And don’t be afraid to reach out--because people care. You’d be surprised how many people’s lives have been affected by this sickness in one way or the other… So don’t let your fear stop you from reaching out for help.”

Lastly, Shannon wanted to emphasize how supportive Linda and her team at the Caldwell store have been throughout her battle.
“Central Rent to Own has been a Godsend because of the staff and their compassion – they were such a Godsend because of the staff and their compassion – they were such a big part and continue to be such a big part of it.”

Central Rent 2 Own is honored to have customers like Shannon O’meara and is beyond grateful that she is willing to share her courageous story to help other fighters find hope.

October is National  Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If you would like more information about how you can join the cause to help women in need, go to If you would like to donate to Central R2O's Susan G Komen Idaho Montana Fundraiser, then go to